Nanase Eriksson

Hi! I'm Nanase. I'm a junior full-stack engineer. I've started programming since 2020, after I moved to Sweden from Japan. This is a big challenge to change my career in this new place.

I have experiences as products developer, design edit assistant for ad. I have worked as a web administrator for 1.5 years, and now I'm open to working as a web or e-commerce administrator.

In my free time, I like to watch movies and read books or manga. And it's also become one of my hobbies to study programming.



Cat-cafe image

Cat cafe (2021. 03)

Website for an imaginary Cat cafe. My first website. With the only few skills I had at that point, it took a long time and was so hard to build the site.


As a milestone of my skills at Codecademy, I have completed the skill path course to build a website with HTML, CSS, GitHub. the Node.js and the Javascript course. And I have completed the introduction to UI/UX design course recently.

This website was built for one of the past projects at the Full-stack Engineer skill path course. Now I completed 84% there.(updated Jun.2023)
